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Leadership Summit 2024 at the Ottawa Conference & Event Centre on March 13, 2024 Leadership Summit 2024 | Ottawa | Mar 13, 2024

Food Processing Skills Canada

Workforce development is about people and a love for skills.

At Food Processing Skills Canada, our mission is to make certain that the Canadian food and beverage manufacturing sector is building an empowered and resilient workforce that is primed for growth. We create industry-driven programs for Canada’s 13,000+ food and beverage manufacturing establishments and the sector’s 300,000+ people so that businesses and individuals can achieve their goals.
It’s about making certain that Canadians, new immigrants, and temporary foreign workers have the training and confidence to successfully begin an exciting job or advance their career. It is also about ensuring employers and educators have the right resources to nurture talent and create the perfect learning environment.
Food Processing Skills Canada offers tailored programs and tools for the people and businesses of Canada’s food and beverage manufacturing industry.
To gain access to internationally-recognized workforce resources such as the Canadian Food Processors Institute, FoodCert, Food Skills Library, Speaking Food, the Learning and Recognition Framework, and Rapid Results or programs including Skills Training Across Canada, Refine Yourself, and iFood 360 visit Food Processing Skills Canada.